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Triple P Parenting Provider –
This Triple P Level IV Standard Program is for parents with children with behavioral difficulties.
To learn more about Triple P, click here.
Would you like support with Triple P? Click here

Triple P Parenting Provider-
The Triple P Level IV Standard Program is for parents with children with behavioral difficulties.
To learn more about Triple P, click here.
Would you like support with Triple P? Click here

We can navigate the Adventure of Life together.

Debbie Andorka, Ed.D, MA, MS, LMFT (she/her) is a licensed marriage and family therapist with an expertise in providing evidence-based treatments to young children, teens, adults and their families. She specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Focused CBT for kids, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Children (DBT-C) and is dedicated to implement evidence-based practice.
Debbie earned her graduate certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis at National University, MA in Counseling at Goddard College, MS/MFT at California State University, Dominguez Hills and is a CCAPP Academy graduate in Alcohol and Drug Studies for the Addiction Professional. As a National Board Teacher, Debbie has extensive teaching experience with early and middle childhood students. As well as being a gen ed and special ed teacher and administrator, she was also a school counselor for fifteen years. In her journey, Debbie received an Ed.D in management at Pepperdine University and then taught there as adjunct professor for three years guiding teachers pursuing their masters on how to support students of second language and diverse culture. In relation to working with parents individually and in groups, Debbie is an experienced Triple Parent Provider of children to age 16, Level IV, which helps parents learn strategies that promote social competence and self-regulation as well as to decrease problem behavior.
Outside of work, Debbie is a west coast native and enjoys singing in a weekly Barbershop chorus group whose recent performance won the Far Western States AA division of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Debbie loves to dance to pop music, sends family and friends funny riddles as she does mindfulness walks and is the patient trainer of two kitties who eagerly sit for a treat. Favorite activities include being curious to learn new ways of doing things, growing roses, and spending special time with her daughter and family and friends.

This Triple P Level IV Standard Program is for parents with children with behavioral difficulties. Parents will receive :

helps you:
- Intensive support to change patterns from unproductive to rewarding
- A more in-depth understanding of the core Triple P parenting principles
- Individual counseling which covers 10-12 sessions of the core principles
- Triple P Level IV workbook support and video examples
- More support than the online Triple P program
- Develop your child’s emotional coping skills
- Encourage behavior you like
- Teach new skills and support learning
- Manage misbehavior
- Deal with disobedience
- Plan ahead to prevent problems
- Make shopping fun
- Raise confident, capable kids
Learn more about the principles in the online program.

helps you:
- Intensive support to change patterns from unproductive to rewarding
- A more in-depth understanding of the core Triple P parenting principles
- Individual counseling which covers 10-12 sessions of the core principles
- Triple P Level IV workbook support and video examples
- More support than the online Triple P program
- Support your teenager and create more positive interactions
- Negotiate boundaries and expectations
- Encourage behavior you like
- Deal calmly with conflict
- Prepare for risky situations
- Raise confident, capable teenagers
Learn more about the principles in the online program.
To learn more about Triple P, click here. Would you like support with Triple P? Click here
Dr. Debbie

- Accredited Triple P Parent Trainer: 0-12 Years, Level IV
- Accredited Triple P Parent Trainer: 10-16 years, Level IV
- Certificated School Guidance Counselor, PreK – grade 12
- Certificated Early Childhood, Middle Childhood Teacher
- Certificated Early Childhood, Special Education Teacher
- For credential verification, please click “public search” with this link and put in last name, Andorka: Click here
My passion working as a coach with children, parents, families and adults in Triple P is to guide them in self-care to have a happy and fulfilling life. My goal is to provide choice for families to uncover ineffective patterns in order to facilitate positive replacement skills, and to build a foundation of love and trust.

03/01/24 – “Dr. Debbie is incredibly quick to see and understand what’s needed and gently guide and direct the conversation so that the hard work happens in a such a comfortable way that everything unfolds exactly as it needs to be made clear. I sought out Debbie’s expertise to work through a difficult situation with a partner in which I needed to be strong in setting necessary boundaries while maintaining my integrity and authenticity. She asked the right questions, shared her insights as she listened, and then patiently held the space for me to process and be ready to apply. The result was amazing! I was infused with the confidence and strength and inner knowing that had been dormant within me. I left my session with her, knowing what to do. And now, weeks later, I am happy to report that the shift in my perspective and subsequent actions have me back to full confidence and achieving my goals bigger and better than I had thought possible.”





Contact Dr. Debbie

Please indicate if you are interested in a parent-child-teen Triple P Program for positive behavior guidance.
Tell us more about how we can support you! Your first session is free to help
you choose the right tools for you. Send a note if you have a question or to
schedule a session. Leave a message for Coach Debbie at (323) 649-6436.
Services offered to facilitate your goals…
*Sessions: $150 fee for a 50 min Zoom meeting.